Curriculum vitae
Tuomas Tikanoja
Ph.D., M.Sc.
I am a teacher of history and social studies, an entrepreneur and a post-doctoral researcher, specializing in the research of ancient and modern intellectual and cultural history. My thesis The Honnête Homme and the Art of Pleasing was approved at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Helsinki in 2009.
I am a member of The Oxford Research Center in the Humanities at the University of Oxford and been a member of the jury of the Premio Strega – literary prize organized by the Bellonci Foundation and the Italian Cultural Institute. I am also a media entrepreneur.
I enjoy IT, chess, writing and sup-boarding. You can also find me in the swimming pool, in the old quarters of Paris or Rome, or on the shores of the Mediterranean.
- 1996
Master of Social Sciences/Master of Philosophy, University of Jyväskylä.
- 1996-97
Deputy senior lecturer of history and social studies in Karttula high school and middle school.
- 1997-98
Temporary senior lecturer of history and social studies at Kauklahti school and high school.
- 1998-99
Deputy senior history lecturer at Vaasa Lyceum High School.
- 1999-2001
A full-time hourly teacher of History and Social Studies at Viherlaakso High School in Espoo.
- 2009
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Helsinki.
- 2010
Member of the Finnish Society for 18th Century Studies. Member of the Besterman Research Center, University of Oxford (now The Oxford Research Center in the Humanities).
- 2011
Niilo Helander foundation grant for post doctoral research.
- 2013
A new book release: Transgressing Boundaries: Worldly Conversation, Politeness and Sociability in Ancien Régime France, 1660-1789. Helsinki: Unigrafia Oy.
- 2001-18
Teacher of history and social studies at the French-Finnish school and high school in Helsinki (permanent position).
- 2020
Teacher in history and social studies online courses at Gradia high schools, Jyväskylä.
- 2021
Jury member of the Premio Strega literary award organized by the Bellonci Foundation and the Italian Cultural Institute.
- Today
Post doc – researcher and media entrepreneur.
For sale: Slightly used French books in good condition! You can find more detailed content description by clicking on the book image.
Darcos, Xavier, Histoire de la littérature française. Paris: Hachette Livre, 1992.
Price: 15 € + postage fee 31 €.
Marchal, Roger, Mme de Lambert et son milieu. Oxford: The Voltaire Foundation, 1991.
Price 55€ + postage fee 41€
Dictionnaire des vins de France. Paris: Hachette Livre, 2001.
Price: 24 € + postage fee 41 €.
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